B-167-3 Lounge chair by Pierre Paulin
Holland, 1962

The shape of this chair is much more functional than a casual inspection would
perhaps suggest.
The basis of the structure is three tubular steel rings, for the rim, seat and base held by two
verticals at the sides of the chair and laced with rubber strips.
The inside surface and the rim are upholstered with foam-rubber, but for the external area the
stretched fabric cover creates its own contour by its tension over the frame.
The moulded foam seat cushion sits in the small ring supported by the rubber webbing membrane. For
a small, relatively unobtrusive chair, this is unusually comfortable.
It is interesting to compare the surface curves, and the profile of this chair with the second of
Gaetano Pesce's Up range. Paulin's chair is much more restrained, and has a rather more casual and inviting
Marilyn Monroe lips chair