Mid Century Modern Home
Shelburne, Vermont

LOCATION: Shelburne, Vermont
Freeman, French, Freeman
OWNER: Mrs. Carlton Ryan
COST FACTS: $18,932 in 1951. 1260 square feet at $15.02 per square foot.
MATERIALS: Wood frame construction, with simple pitched roof. Exterior
of v-grooved vertical redwood; asphalt strip shingle roofing; double insulating glazing combined with "awning-type"
windows. Interiors of Sheetrock walls, except for fireplace wall. Resilient flooring. Door and window frames,
cabinets and millwork were mill fabricated; stock sizes used where feasible.
The character of this one-bedroom house is in keeping with its woody, suburban, lake shore setting. It was placed
for best orientation and a full exploitation of a superb view of Lake Champlain.
Designed for ease of living for one person as a permanent home, it at present has only one
bedroom. The house is so planned, however, that another bedroom and bath can be added at any time. As may be seen
by the plan, this addition will expand the bedroom wing, fitting neatly on at the end of the plan.
A most generous living-dining room (30 by 15 feet) has access to both a dining and living
terrace. The clean; straightforward approach to the plan also takes into consideration the matter of good traffic
circulation; from the entry one may go directly to the living area, the kitchen, or the bedroom.
Simple lines with an economical A-roof. A low-cost structure to sustain the heavy snow loads of the Vermont
climate. The architects say: with "a good plan properly expressed .in elevations with simple construction of a type
familiar to the area, builders will produce a successful and economical house."
Tryon, North Carolina House