Mid Century Modern Home
North Kingstown, Rhode Island

LOCATION: No. Kingstown, Rhode Island
Conrad E. Green
OWNERS: Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Crosby
COST FACTS: $4,000 in 1949, exclusive of water supply system, cesspool and plumbing fixtures.
The pump pit with pressure tank and electrical pump and other plumbing items mentioned above came to about
MATERIALS: Wood panel system supporting plank roof; oak vertical boarding on
PLAN FACTS: Originally the Crosbys, who have two children, contemplated
purchasing a small prefabricated house which they would assemble themselves and for which they would have to
provide utilities.
Instead, however, they turned to architect Conrad Green to design a summer cottage for them which
would more adequately fill the space requirements but be sufficiently economical to compete in price with the
prefabricated house; also they realized that a. custom-designed house would better satisfy the dictates of the
The resulting house compares favorably with the prefabricated price which would have provided
none of the amenities and would have had only about 75% of the floor area.
The exposed framework leaves spaces which provide handy shelves, used to advantage primarily in
the kitchen, bedrooms and bathroom. The house plan is as simple and direct as the construction system.
ECONOMIES: Panel wall construction; few partitions.
Pleasantville, New York Wedge House