Mid Century Modern Wedge Home
Pleasantville, New York

LOCATION: Pleasantville, New York
DESIGNER: David T. Henken
OWNERS: Mr. and Mrs. John Masson
$13,000 in 1951-52. Square footage: house 1012, terrace 210 (figured at one-half) at $11.50 per square foot.
MATERIALS: Frame and brick; cypress siding; integrally-colored troweled
concrete floor; plank and spline ceiling and roof. Standardized sash and millwork sizes.
PLAN FACTS: A wedge-shaped house proved to be the solution for the Massons
who wanted it built close to a ravine and flowing brook, and also wanted a maximum possible view to the northwest
plus maximum southerly exposure.
In plan it also meets their special requirements for a bedroom for part-time use of a grown son
as well as extra sleeping space for as many as three guests. Three sofa-beds in the living room takes care of the
latter; also the living space
is easily accessible to the bathroom as are the master and son's bedrooms.
Centrally located utility boiler room, with masonry walls, is the only interior support: all
other partitions between rooms are closets. Since the owner was interested in building as much as possible himself,
construction was simplified by long straight runs, and simple details.
ECONOMIES: Minimum number of bearing partitions in interior; plank and spline
ceiling. Work done by owner.
Pleasantville, New York Round House