Mid Century Modern Home
Washington County, Minnesota

LOCATION: Washington County, Minn.
ARCHITECT: Norman C. Nagle
OWNERS: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cedarleaf
$18,900 in 1951, including all built-in furniture. 1400 square feet at $13.50 per square foot.
Redwood frame exterior: Laminated plywood beam over fireplace. Skylight and power ventilation in bathroom.
PLAN FACTS: The possibility of building in two stages was a first requirement
of the Cedarleaf family. The second stage was to include an inside play area for children. This was created by a
glass-enclosed link connecting the living area with the bedroom wing.
ECONOMIES: An outside storage wall to house well pump, hot water heater and
water softener. Bedrooms divided by closets; use of bedroom corridor for extra storage. Lacquered plywood walls in
BUDGET SUGGESTIONS: To build only the living section until the bedroom area
could be realized. Using less glass than at present.
West Los Angeles, California House