Mid Century Modern Family Home
Seattle, Washington

LOCATION: Seattle, Washington
ARCHITECT: John Ridley
OWNER: Dwight H. Panchot
COST FACTS: Approximately $20,000 in 1950 (not including special equipment). 1654 square feet
at approximately $12 per square foot.
Frame, on concrete slab floor. Exterior walls of cedar; with grey stain: Interior walls: plaster and cedar in
living-dining rooms and kitchen; ceramic tile in bathroom; plaster in bedrooms. Built-up roof protected by an
asphalt aluminum flood-coat finish.
PLAN FACTS: This family of five-there are three daughters all
interested in art and music-like informal living and enjoy working and playing together. They wanted space for
painting and other hobbies to be right in the center of things, and also ample room for informal entertaining. A
multi-purpose room was the logical answer.
It is a sort of passage way normally open to the rest of the living area and giving a very
spacious feeling to the house, but it is capable of being closed off by means of accordian doors to form a guest
room or quiet study. The south side of this area is a storage wall (with built-in piano, shelves for records,
books, art supplies and games). A free-standing cork wall, strategically placed between the two accordian walls,
provides display space for art and screens the bedroom corridor.
With this all-purpose room open to the living area and the outdoor terrace -which is shared by
both-the actual and visual sense of spaciousness is greatly increased. The master bedroom shares the sweeping lake
view with the multi-purpose and living areas, and is sound-insulated from the activity center.
Each of the girls has a small bedroom, with built-in bunks and large drawer sections below;
built-in desks under the width of the window wall face into private garden areas, opening these small rooms to a
sense of space.
ECONOMIES: The house is a simple shell; studs and siding are pre-cut to
standard lengths. The use of plaster instead of more expensive finishes-with a minimum of wood trim and special
details- held down the cost. The provision of three small built-in sleeping rooms gives large capacity without
large area.
BUDGET SUGGESTIONS: Dishwasher, Disposall, clothes dryer and mangle could be
left for future installations. (Dryer and mangle were provided by the owner, but installation was in the general
Seattle, Washington House