Mid Century Modern Home
New Orleans, Louisiana

LOCATION: New Orleans, Louisiana
ARCHITECTS: Curtis & Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Page
COST FACTS: $17,000 in 1950. 1500 square feet at $11.20 per square foot.
MATERIALS: Brick bearing walls (exposed on both sides) and 2 x 4 stud walls with plaster on interior, stucco on
As the plan of the Page house so clearly indicates, the architects have met to a "T" the specific requirements of
the owners - for "a one-bedroom house with the usual other rooms, plus a study that could double as a guest room
and a screened porch that could be used both as an entertaining area and as a summer sleeping porch."
Located near the north side of the property, entrance may be had either from a pedestrian lane on
the north or from the street on the south. The southern side is predominantly glass, but is shielded from the
street by a fence along the south property line; this side is protected from the sun by an overhang.
ECONOMIES: Dual or alternate use of screened porch for entertaining and
summer sleeping; dual use of second bedroom as study-guest room.
North Kingstown, Rhode Island House