Pastilli or Gyro Fiberglass Modern Chair
by Eero Aarnio
Finland, 1968

This chair is a two part fiberglass casting which is seamed around the perimeter of the
It is made in a selection of bright colours, and is clearly intended to be enjoyed as much as possible by its
owner and his children, rather than left in dignified isolation in an uninhabited sitting room.
If one avoids rough rocks it can be used on the dunes and the beach, in the sea, and on snow. It is surprisingly
comfortable for ordinary sitting purposes, and it rocks and gyrates freely on its rounded, unprotected bottom.
Aarnio has designed other similarly organic forms, notably the famous Globe chair, in which fiberglass
seems to be pushed to its most generous extreme. There are no sharp concavities or sudden convolutions of form in
the Pastilli or the Globe to interrupt the beautiful full-blown surface of the material.
Pedro Freideberg Hand Chair