Mid Century Modern Round Home
Pleasantville, New York

Pleasantville, New York
David T. Henken
Mr. and Mrs. George Brody
$20,000 in 1950-51, including built-in furniture and carport masonry. Square footage: house 1080; basement 150;
terrace 300 (counted at one-half); at $14.50 per square foot.
MATERIALS: Concrete block, integrally colored; cement floors; fir plank and
spline ceiling and roof; birch doors.
With only two in the family, the Brodys wanted a minimum house to start but with provision for expansion. The plan
which Mr. Henken developed for them has a circular living-dining room with fireplace.
From this central space there are three extensions with curving ends: dining terrace,
cantilevered over a brook, opening from one side of living room; kitchen; and a bedroom wing, with its own terrace,
which contains master bedroom and study-guest room.
Curving window wall in the kitchen has indoor planting boxes, to meet a requirement of Mrs.
Brody. Since the owners desired as many built-in items as possible, these include bed-sofas in the living room, a
two-way desk between living room and study, beds, bookshelves, vanity and chest of drawers in master bedroom.
ECONOMIES: Single block wall thickness, Plank roof. Postponement of finishing
extension, with heating, electrical and plumbing lines provided for easy hook-up later.
Sausalito, California House